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Supporting Organizations

The Adoptee Rights Law Center provides advocacy and legal representation exclusively to adult adoptees who seek to obtain their own original birth certificates, identifying information, or U.S. citizenship.

Adoptees United is a national nonprofit tax-exempt organization with an unwavering commitment to equality for all adopted people.

The Family Preservation Project is an online parenting resource and adoption education database. Its mission is to connect expectant moms to resources during temporary hardships in order to preserve their
families and not separate them.

Saving Our Sisters is dedicated to supporting all members of expectant families considering adoption. SOS focuses on ensuring families do not apply a permanent solution to a temporary situation.

Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization is the largest adoptee civil rights organization in the United States. We support only full unrestricted access for all adopted persons to their original birth certificates (OBC) and related documents.
If you are part of an organization who would like to join us in our efforts to restore equal rights to adoptees or an organizations who wishes to pledge your support for our equality efforts, please email us at

Adoptee Rights are Human Rights
“Open records are important to me because it would mean adoptees have equal rights in proving their citizenship as guaranteed by the 14th amendment of the Constitution. No state should have the right to indefinitely seal the proof of a citizen’s birth record.”
Katie, Georgia First Mom