GAAR Featured on “What Next?” Podcast

Committee member and adoptee, Jamie Weiss, recently joined Greg Luce, founder of Adoptees United, for the new podcast called “What Next?”. It is a podcast dedicated to adoptee rights and updates on the legislative efforts at both the state and federal levels. In Episode #2, Jamie talks about some of her personal experience with being adopted in Georgia and trying to obtain her original birth certificate along with the work that the Georgia Alliance for Adoptee Rights is doing currently.
You can find the podcast at this link below or by subscribing on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.

About Georgia Alliance for Adoptee Rights
The Georgia Alliance for Adoptee Rights is a coalition of state and national organizations with a singular focus: restoring the unrestricted right of all Georgia adult adoptees to obtain their own original birth certificates (OBC) upon request.