The Work Continues
Friends of GAAR,
SB64 gained great exposure and momentum in Georgia’s 2023 legislative session. We got through the Senate Children & Families committee, the full Senate, and House Judicial committee unanimously and everyone’s effort brought us the farthest it’s ever gone in Georgia!
We appreciate the support from every Georgia General Assembly member who voted for the bill! We appreciate Senator Randy (and Theresa) Robertson and Representative Beth Camp advocating and championing SB64. We appreciate each one of you for calling, emailing, and speaking with your Senators and Representatives. We appreciate all of the organizations who stood behind us and supported the bill this session. And we appreciate the GAAR board members who have worked tirelessly preparing for this effort.
One very important point to understand is that SB 64 is not dead. It is still alive and will start back in the House rules committee to be scheduled for the House floor next January. Although we wanted SB 64 so incredibly badly to have passed the House and gone onto Governor Kemp’s desk for signature this year, we have another chance to pass a clean adoption reform bill in Georgia!
In 2024, we will be even stronger and will have more time to educate and rally all of the legislators. We ask that all of you please join us to continue to fight for adoptee rights and help get us to the finish line. We can’t do it without you!
If you would like to serve in a greater capacity in 2024 for GAAR, please email us at
Our work is not finished until all adult adoptees in Georgia can obtain their original birth certificate upon request. Period.

About Georgia Alliance for Adoptee Rights
The Georgia Alliance for Adoptee Rights is a coalition of state and national organizations with a singular focus: restoring the unrestricted right of all Georgia adult adoptees to obtain their own original birth certificates (OBC) upon request.