SB 64 Unanimously Passes House Judicial Committee
In a unanimous vote on March 14th, the House Judicial Committee, gave a “do-pass” to SB64. It now will move on to the House floor.
Senator Randy Robertson presented the bill to the committee. He was joined by Jamie Weiss, co-chair of Georgia Alliance for Adoptee Rights, who provided testimony and responded to questions from Representative Kelley and Representative Crawford relating to the bill.

As Senator Robertson was wrapping up, he said, “We (the Georgia Assembly) don’t often have a compassionate bill like this to vote on in the Senate or House.” He asked for the committee to vote in favor of un-doing an old wrong and giving adult adoptees equal rights to obtain their original birth certificate.
The bill also passed through the House Rules Committee and will be presented by Representative Beth Camp to the full House on Monday, March 20, 2023.