2024 Session Ends Without a Vote

Friends of Georgia Alliance for Adoptee Rights,
The 2023-2024 legislative session has ended and although SB 64 did not pass out of the House Rules Committee to be heard on the floor, it gained tremendous momentum and garnered more support than any past efforts in Georgia. Essentially, the bill missed a chance for a floor vote due to ordinary politics which can hamper any bill during any given session. While this is not the outcome we aimed for this year, we are already preparing to ensure that SB 64 will be ready to go next session. We remain as confident as ever that, with your continued support, victory is inevitable.
For a recap, here was the progress:
- SB 64 was co-sponsored by 19 Senators to begin the effort.
- SB 64 passed through the following committees UNANIMOUSLY:
- Senate Children & Family Committee, Reeves’ Judiciary Civil Subcommittee, & Judiciary Civil Committee.
- SB 64 passed the full Senate UNANIMOUSLY.
- Garnered “champions” in the House to help educate other Representatives about the bill.
- Partnered with a lobbying team to educate members of the General Assembly.
- Received new support from organizations in Georgia and across the country.
We appreciate the support from every Georgia General Assembly member who voted for the bill! We appreciate Senator Randy (and Theresa) Robertson and Representative Beth Camp advocating and championing SB 64. We appreciate each one of you for calling, emailing, and speaking with Senators and Representatives in Georgia. We appreciate all of the organizations who stood behind us and sent support letters this session. And we appreciate the GAAR board members who have worked tirelessly preparing for this effort for the past four years.
Going forward we need your help for the 2025-2026 session and here is what you can do:
- Keep tabs on new candidates running this fall and let us know who wins in your district. (State Senator and State Representative)
- Encourage other adopted people, birth parents, and adoptive parents in Georgia to get involved and have them contact us.
- When you hear from us, continue advocating and continuing helping to educate the legislators in your district.
- Help us secure funding for the next legislative session (lobbyist fee primarily).
If you would like to serve in a greater capacity or have any feedback, please email us at info@gaallianceforadopteerights.org
Our work is not finished until all adult adoptees in Georgia can obtain their original birth certificate. Period.